
Friday, November 23, 2007


Because I already bought my copy and still choose to download music. My local radio station must be right when they say that 'life is good when music is good.' Too bad radio shit ain't that good, otherwise Dahlak would already be on the air, in your car, in your ear, and stuck in your head.
For all you cd-burning-free-downloading-that-cd-ain't-worth-my-10-dollars-folks, it's not your last chance to own Dual Consciousness. Although there won't be any reprints anytime soon, the iLL-Literacy team have been working on getting the album to all major digital distribution retailers (iTunes, Rhapsody, SNOCAP, etc.). Since it will take some time before you will be able to download it from these sites, we decided that we couldn't leave you all without anyway to download it if you so pleased. Therefore, the iLL-Literacy team has decided to make the album available
for FREE download from Black Friday (Nov. 23rd) until January 1st! Please spread the word to friends, family, and anyone who might be interested in downloading some good music for no price and no hassle. Just go to WWW.THISISDAHLAK.COM and download Dual Consciousness onto your personal computer. Thank you so much for supporting the music. Stay tuned. I will try to stay worthy of your
love and support…

Get in on these updates! I'm a big iLL-Literacy fan, thus I am a fan of Dahlak. I should have added this album to my favorite albums list. =)



yes! i am so glad that dahlak made it available --- i really like that boy as a human being.

i hope you're well, girl! :)
i <3 the album, wish to talk to you about it... its these times that i wish that you were just there/here.
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