
Monday, September 04, 2006

Ask ya homegirl.

Have you ever noticed...

-the way a homegirl of yours naturally sinks into the background when she's the only female among you and all of your homeboys?
- the way females in movies (and real life) always make points that change the course of plots but are immediately and completely dismissed when they do so?
- the blunt, multi-functional use and portrayal of the word 'hoe' by various individuals and its acceptance as nothing but normal?
- the
(self-) degrading, (self-) demeaning, (self-) repressing, and disempowering images of females that are depicted, rapped, sung, acted and 'are'?
- an uncomfortable look on your homegirl's face when her homies talk about all the girls they've been with?
- an eager participation in socially-dubbed 'masculine' activities?

I have. And if you have or if you haven't, then do something about it. For one thing, you can ask ya homegirl all about it.

Replace GMA with George W. Bush and replace the background with one from N'awlins and tell me where we've all seen this tactic before.

A photo still of a model straight out the CandyMag? Nooo. Here, we have current Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo at Costa Aguada, Guimaras to check out the damage done to the coastal area by an oil spill. Nonetheless, she is sporting a hot shady pink pant and matching uppity top under an open dictator-like collared blouse that hints immense amounts of scandal, vacation, slight corruption and political mystery. You can find yourself a similar fit at your local Americanized retail store manufactured especially for you by our sistas, brothas & infants in many 'Third World' nations. Oooh GMA, girl!, don't get me started on that necklace and those shades.

Despite my use of satire, allegations of GMA's corruption and human rights abuses leading to impeachment have been foiled.

Looking at the photos to the right, which beach was GMA walking on? Is it just me or did her outfit clash with the supposed oil spill in the background? Is that image supposed to tell us that everything's okay and that her presence indicates her dedication to cleaning up? She needs to check up on the local villagers that are suffering from the stench, being forced to move away, and being exposed to the chemicals because of this oil spill. Not to mention, living in poverty on this island while Guimaras is known for its beach resorts and coral reefs. Beaches, coral reefs, resorts, marine reserves = tourism. Pardon the assumption, but this ordeal and GMA's involvement may stem from economic interests as well.

That's it for now. I got more up my sleeve somewhere. Unfortunately, right now I'm not wearing sleeves. Where's my hot pink fit when I need it? Hah.

Ask ya homegirl.

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